FACC PNW and FEN Presidents, Alan Merkle and Jacques Boiroux, along with their Boards of Directors, are pleased to invite you to our 2018 Annual Breakfast Meeting.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Stoel Rives LLP
600 University Street
Suite 3600 (36th Floor)
Seattle, WA 98101
Featured Presentation:
We will be announcing our new FACC and FEN Board Presidents! Don't miss out on the chance to hear their visions.
This is a statutory meeting, where we will be voting for our new Directors and Executive Committee Members, so the presence of our members is essential.
This year, we will also be welcoming our new President of the FACC Board.
$20 Members
$30 Non-Members
Please email info(@)faccpnw.org if you would like more information.
Save the Date: FACC & FEN Annual Breakfast Meeting
Event ended.