Communication - Press • The Chamber • Services
A letter from the FACC-PNW Board President
Announcing Executive Director Jack Cowan's retirement and the selection of Eric Beaulieu as his replacement for the position.
Dear Members of the FACC-PNW Community,
Let me start by wishing that you and yours are keeping as well as possible in these challenging times. The March to June period is traditionally very busy for the Chamber, and this year was supposed to be very special. As many of you know, Jack Cowan will be retiring from the position of Executive Director this summer. Once it is deemed safe, we will have the opportunity to gather to celebrate Jack’s fantastic leadership together.
The Board of the FACC-PNW was tasked with the arduous task of identifying the new Executive Director of the Chamber, and I want here to commend and thank the Search Committee led by Louis Scott de Martinville. The Committee went through a thorough process, identifying a pool of very strong candidates. Ultimately, the Committee recommended a candidate that was approved unanimously by the Board.
I am honored to announce that Eric Beaulieu will be the next Executive Director of the FACC-PNW. If this name sounds familiar to many of you, it is likely because Eric has been working as Deputy Director of the Chamber, starting a few years ago before moving to Singapore, and then again for the last year.
Eric brings to the Chamber a wealth of professional experience both in France and abroad, as well as a fantastic acumen to lead a nonprofit bicultural organization. Eric’s passion for the FACC’s mission, respect for the great work led by Jack, and his willingness to innovate have made him the candidate of choice. Please join me in congratulating Eric. We look forward to seeing the Chamber evolve and develop under his leadership.
I want to thank all the candidates who applied for the position and hope we can rely on them to lend their experience to the Chamber in a different capacity moving forward.
In these challenging times, the FACC-PNW is here to help its members despite the cancellation of many of our gatherings and committee meetings. Our agile team is coordinating with other FACCs across the US to bring you thematic webinars. Our newsletter, social network pages and websites are the best way to keep up to date on the latest opportunities for our members.
We also rely on our members to support us. With all our events and learning expeditions being canceled, the Chamber has lost a significant part of its revenue stream. Please make sure your membership fees are up to date. Today more than ever, our team is dedicated to fulfill the Chamber missions and work in the interest of its members. We thank you for your generous support.
Julien Hervet
FACC-PNW Board President