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Education Committee Meeting on March 8

In partnership with the Consulate General of France in San Francisco

More than 50 parents and students attended this webinar, presented by Dr. Vincent Michelot, PhD, Attaché for Higher Education at the Embassy of France in the US, on bilingual higher-education programs.

Dr. Michelot discussed the similarities and differences between higher education in France and in America, the concrete choices high-schoolers (and their parents) face when deciding to pursue a license or bachelor's degree, and some options available for dual degrees.

Click here to watch the video.


Exploring French-American Higher Education - Useful links:

General information:

  • Campus France USA: the official website, covering everything you need to know about studying in France as a foreigner. We recommend following Campus France USA, as well as the international version of Campus France, on their social networks. They often organize webinars with French universities and schools to help students decide where they want to study.
  • to learn more about the programs and grants offered by the French Embassy in the US
  • Parcoursup: the platform to apply to study in France as a French citizen
  • AEFE has some useful summaries about higher education in France and specific tracks: Sciences Po Paris and the other Institutes of Political Studies; engineering schools; business schools...
  • ONISEP: many details about the organization of higher education in France and how to choose the right track as a student

Sciences Po:

Other dual degrees:

  • A list of dual and joint degrees between France and the US is available here. Many business schools also offer dual degrees.

Diploma equivalencies:

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