Event report
High-Tech Committee Event on GenAI Applications for Business
Thank you all for joining us for an insightful evening on cutting-edge applications of Generative AI at TF Labs in Seattle!
November 30th's panel was an immersive journey into the cutting-edge applications of Generative AI.
Thank you to Stefania Druga, Principal Researcher at the Center of Applied AI Research at Chicago Booth, for guiding and moderating the discussion to cover:
- Challenges of building and implementing generative AI into business solutions.
- Multi-model advances in AI technology.
- AI usage and building the skills to best utilize the technology.
- The future of AI.
And of course thank you to our Panelists:
- Rene Bystron (CEO and cofounder at ai LaMo)
- Thibaut LaBarre (Engineering Lead at AngelList)
For providing their experience and insights into the world of AI. Our three presenters' breadth of experiences in AI Research, AI implementation in Business, and AI Education made for an engaging discussion.
This event concludes this years list of events organized by FACC PNW's High-Tech & Innovation Committee.
These opportunities were made possible by Marion Desmazières, Ariane Ogier, Rudy Dillenseger, Karl Piteira, Maxime Moncade, Thierry Ceard, and Laurent BELLANGE.
Watch out for next year's events, Marion Desmazières is looking forward to 2024 and welcome ideas for future topics and panelists!